Posts tagged murder mystery
The Day Started With Murder... (Fiction, under 100 words)

Janet Reid, Query Shark and Queen of the Known Universe (QOTKU) writes an amazing blog with occasional killer contests - always 100 words or less - sometimes with prompt words, sometimes with phrases, sometimes with themes. The one from this weekend was FIRST or LAST line had to be “The day started with murder.”

I entered - and got a shout out as a finalist!

Here’s my really short story:

The day started with murder, and went downhill from there.

Recalcitrant neighbors, uncooperative suspects, media circus.

Ninth murder and likely more to come.

Suspicious partner, side-eye sergeant, disavowing chief.

When they brought me in, accusations flew like crows, but I followed my own advice: deny, deny, deny, and if you can’t do that, shut ya mouth.

Didn’t help. I had no alibi and plenty of motive.

I tell ya, the only thing a cop hates more than going bad is being sent up for the one murder she didn’t do.

For more amazing 100 words (or less) stories, head over to the infamous QOTKU’s site!